When we deliberate on this, we can see that all activity of
man constitutes the culture. Culture could be tradition, customs, rituals, the
way we dress, language, music, art, literature, etc. But I feel those are only
characteristics of “culture” and don’t define it. Culture was developed by
humans through their way of life; basically defining culture as being human
life's production through creativity. Their production can be learned,
discovered, developed, or invented and passed down through generations creating
and prolonging the liveliness of a certain culture. Generation to generation,
Culture has changed and will continue to change because of the advancement and
achievements of a human ability to make things. Culture determines what is acceptable
or unacceptable, important or unimportant, right or wrong. People who share the
same culture can be linked by where they live, what religion they practice,
where their families have come from, and more.